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Summary of previous events

Gathering of Kindness 2016


In March 2016, 110 participants attended the inaugural Gathering of Kindness.


Acknowledging that bullying and harassment in health care is a serious problem impacting negatively on patient and staff safety and wellbeing, participants in the 2016 Gathering of Kindness explored kindness as the preferred option for communication and interactions in health care. 


Participants experienced ways in which music and theatre can transform healthcare environments. They debated the role of individuals, teams and organisations in initiating and sustaining the change needed to re-humanise health care. The first Gathering of Kindness was sponsored by Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) and the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria.

Read the summary here.

Gathering of Kindness 2017


The second Gathering of Kindness surpassed the inaugural event in its depth and reach.  


Organised by Hush Foundation in collaboration with Monash Health, Safer Care Victoria and the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA), the 2017 Gathering of Kindness included events at twenty different venues throughout Victoria over two weeks and involved 4500 people from almost 100 healthcare organisations around


Gathering of Kindness 2018


In 2018 Hush expanded the concept of Kindness in health care more widely to encourage as

many people as possible to model kindness and respect in their professional and personal lives.


Supported by KPMG and Healthscope, and held in KPMG Tower Two Melbourne, Gathering of Kindness 2018 consolidated its message, providing organisations and staff with resources, education and inspiration.  


With key presentations from Andrew Dempster (KPMG); Dr Cath Crock AM (Hush Foundation); Gervis Beard (Work Logic) and Nathan Scolaro (Dumbo Feather) the day also featured a performance of the Hush Health Play “Do You Know Me?” and music from harpist and singer Claire Patti.


Highlights included a panel discussion with five hospital leaders and a Kindness hackathon from KPMG’s team producing innovative responses to cultural and systemic issues in healthcare.


Satellite events across the week also occurred at Monash Health, Central Gippsland Health Service and events in Mirabooka WA funded by WA Primary Healthcare Alliance. 

View the program from GOK 2018 to see more.

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