Start a #KindnessWorksHere conversation with your colleagues.
Kindness can play a role in increasing patient and staff safety through improved communication and more collegiate behaviour, which ultimately help staff to deliver high-quality healthcare in stressful times.
Watch this video from Elizabeth Broderick and download the resource to assist you in having a conversation on kindness with your colleagues.
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Wearable Kindness
Get ready to cap, tee, and even tote for your Gathering of Kindness.
Based on demand and feedback this fantastic range has been expanded to include the very popular Gathering of Kindness as well as hashtag #KindnessWorksHere.
Both equally efficient and scientifically proven to promote the benefits of kindness wherever you wear!
The Kindness in Cancer Care Video Series
The Kindness in Cancer Care videos are a collection of short stories sharing what ‘kindness’ looks like for people during the cancer care experience. These stories are from people in our regional and rural communities.
In developing this collection, Gathering of Kindness has been proudly and generously supported by the Eileen and Robert Edgar Foundation (Mike Reynolds FMD Financial), Central Gippsland Health and North East Heath Wangarrata.
Warmest thanks are also extended to the management, staff, patients and families from the Sale and Wangaratta regions for their generosity, kindness and time.
Our Kindness Hub
Real change happens through lots of conversations in lots of places. That's why we've created the Kindness Hub, full of resources and information!
Monash University and Hush awarded Research Grant
The HUSH Foundation is a partner on an Australian Research Council grant entitled Conferring dignity in law and health care (DP190100734). This project is led by Linda Barclay at Monash University, in partnership with Hush and academics at Monash University, Macquarie University, King's College London and Tulane University. Over $240,000 has been awarded.
This project aims to develop a new and more inclusive conception of dignity. The expected outcome is a new understanding of the importance of dignity in human rights law and in health care services, with an aim to provide concrete guidance for health and aged care services on how they can promote the dignity of all of their clients. The Hush Foundation will partner will Linda Barclay to develop workshops and educational material on the theme of upholding the dignity of all people in hospital and residential care.
Dr Linda Barclay, Monash University
The Gathering of Kindness Anthology
The Gathering of Kindness Anthology is a collection of incredible stories, ideas, action plans, and creative impressions of a kind healthcare system, and how to get there. And by purchasing the book, you'll be supporting the Hush Foundation and helping continue the quest for kindness. Learn more here.
Check out this fabulous article thanks to Western Sydney Health Sydney News - and the team at the Ministry of Health NSW for promoting this important message!
Hush 'Gathering of Kindness' album is here!
Piano legend Tony Gould AM is joined by renowned guitarist Peter Petrucci for this brand new music release from the Hush Collection. A beautiful jazz-inspired album, the music is a perfect way to calm any stressful environment - and is very easy listening at home or in the car!
This latest album, produced by ABC Jazz, was named after our Gathering of Kindness events!
The Inaugural Gathering of Kindness Ambassador
On the hop points for Hop!
Alan Hopgood AM, writer of the Hush Health Plays, received the inaugural Gathering of Kindness Ambassador Award in front of the audience of approx. 120, 37 floors up in the air at the KPMG event floor as part of Kindness Works Here 2018.
His family were all on hand for the recognition.
The Health play Do You Know Me had just been performed and Alan was surprised, delighted and very gracious.
He spoke of his warm association and Hush and praised his actors for their work.
It was doubly appropriate as it was also World Kindness Day.